Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

My Opinion About Accident In Tugu Tani (Afriani)

have you heard about that accident? yes, it was about the newest accident which killed 9 people. i think Afriani was FREAK PEOPLE!!!! when she hit 9 people who waited for a Bus in Tugu Tani. After she was hit all the people she not guilty. she just like so so. it could because she using drugs and it still effect. She was not conscious.

She not said "sorry" to the victim. but she still like usually. WHERE IS HER BRAIN???!??!??!
one off the victim. His Name Ujay who already played Futsal with his friend. he writed in his facebook status which it was a sign an accident while came to him. All of His friend were cried. And abuse Afriani.

i think Afriani better came to all of her victim's Family. and said sorry. it will make them be friendship. and forgetten the accident.


 Her Car

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